Terms and Conditions

YOU are in charge of your schedule:  You must double check your Walla app or log into your account through the website before showing up for class.  DO NOT check your personal calendars.  We will not allow switching class times if you show up at the wrong time.

Class Packs and Membership Information:

Drop In - Purchase is made for a specific class. Cancelling class 12 hours prior (or more), you will receive a refund for your payment. Late cancelling (cancelling class 12 hours or less before), you will not receive a refund.

5 Pack - 5 classes expire in 3 months and is not a recurring charge. Any unused credits will expire when package expires. No extensions permitted.

10 Pack - 10 classes expire in 3 months and is not a recurring charge. Any unused credits will expire when package expires. No extensions permitted.

8 Pack / 12 Pack - MONTHLY MEMBERSHIP RECURRING CHARGE. You receive 8 or 12 credits on your bill date (the date you sign up for a membership). Your credits never expire as long as you have an active membership. If you cancel your membership, any unused credits will expire.

Unlimited - MONTHLY MEMBERSHIP RECURRING CHARGE. Come as much as you want but limit to 2 classes per day.

Upgrading/Downgrading Memberships: Please be aware when you change your membership (either upgrade or downgrade), after your payment has gone through all your future classes will be canceled and need to be rebooked. We require a 48 hour notice to make any changes to your membership.

Pause/Freeze Membership Options: You can pause/freeze your monthly membership (8 pack, 12 pack, or unlimited) at any time. You can pause for $5 per month and a minimum of 30 days at a time. Pausing will start on your bill date. If your membership is paused, you will not be able to use credits or book any classes. Any unused credits prior to the pause will be placed back onto your account when the pause is removed. We require a 48 hour notice to pause your membership.

Membership Cancellation Policy: We require a 48 hour notice to cancel your membership. We will not refund the payment once it has gone through. Any unused credits will terminate when the membership terminates.

Failed Payment: We will attempt to run your credit card 3 times. If the payment does not go through after the 3rd attempt, your account will be suspended until full payment has been made. This includes monthly membership fees and ANY late cancel or no show fees. All scheduled classes will be cancelled and you will be unable to book any future classes.

10 Minute Late Policy: If you are going to be 10 minutes late (or more) for your class, you will forfeit your spot in class. If there is anyone waiting, they will be given your spot.

Cancellation of Class Policy: There will be no penalty if you cancel your class 12 hours (or more) before the scheduled time. Canceling within 12 hours of the scheduled class will have the following penalties. Drop in, 5 packs, or 8 packs will lose a credit. Unlimited will be charged $15. Anyone who NO SHOWS (is scheduled in class and does not show up) will be charged $25.

CANCELLING CLASS VIA EMAIL, TEXT, PHONE CALL, OR SOCIAL MEDICA is NOT an acceptable way to cancel your class. If you do not log in to your account and cancel your class, you will be marked as a no show and charged $25. Please log in to your account via the website or the app and cancel class if you cannot attend.

Returning from Surgery or Serious Injury: We require a doctor's note before returning to class if surgery or a serious injury has occurred.

Excessive Late Canceling or No Shows: If you have late canceled or no showed class 3 times in a row (consecutively), we will reserve the right to remove you from any class that has a waitlist.  We will do so at least 12 hours before class so someone else can get in.  

WALLA: Our scheduling system is called Walla. Using the Walla app is very easy! Download the app now to make booking classes easier!

Studio Etiquette: We suggest arriving 10 minutes before your class starts. When coming in for class, if the current class has not ended yet please keep talking volume to a minimum. Wait to pick your reformer until class has completely ended, including cleaning. Silence the ringer on cell phones. Bigger jackets or accessories that will not be worn during class and shoes will need to stay in the cubbie area.

Dress Code: GRIPS SOCKS ARE REQUIRED FOR ALL CLASSES. Wear comfortable clothing to class such as yoga pants and a comfortable shirt. Do not wear anything that will snag, tear, or rip the equipment. We reserve the right to ask anyone to leave class immediately if you do not have socks or have anything on that will damage the equipment.

Waitlist Information: We encourage the waitlist. IT WORKS! If you are signed up on the waitlist and number 1 in place, once someone cancels, you will automatically be put into the class without approving it. You will receive a confirmation email (or text if you opt into texting) that you have been booked into that class. Someone will need to cancel at least 12 hours before class for you to automatically be placed in. If there is a cancellation within 12 hours of the class you will not be placed in automatically. If you would like to attend that class you will need to book yourself in.

If you waitlist multiple classes, it is your responsibility to check your schedule.  You will get into multiple classes this way.  If you get into classes and cannot attend them, you will be charged accordingly.

1 Person Scheduled in Class Policy: If you are the only person scheduled in a class, that class is subject to be cancelled without question. You will be notified by email and text if your class has been cancelled.

2 CLASSES PER DAY ONLY: You are able to take 2 classes per day, maximum. If you book more than 2 classes, you will be cancelled out of any remaining. We will choose which class(es) to cancel you out of. If you are scheduled into 2 classes and have waitlisted yourself, we will remove you from the waitlsit.

Modified Schedule 1 Class Per Day ONLY: During a modified schedule, you will be able to take 1 class only.  A modified schedule means that day is not a regular schedule (there are less classes available).  We will send out modified dates in our monthly newsletter.  If already scheduled into a class, you may not book a waitlist class during this time.  We will remove you from additional scheduled classes and waitlists.

Safety: Please inform your instructor of all injuries and limitations you have. The instructors are trained to help with modifications if necessary. Also inform your instructor if something hurts unexpectedly during class so they can assist in modifying. If they are unaware, they cannot help you. Respect all instruction your teacher has given you including spring setting. You are not to deviate from what your instructor is guiding you to do. If you have taken it upon yourself to do a spring setting or move outside of the instructor’s suggestion, you are assuming full responsibility for injury to yourself.

Place your personal belongs to the right of your reformer: Everything to the right side of your reformer is considered your space.  Please place any personal items like water and or towel on your side and not your neighbors side.

We Reserve The Right To Refuse Service: We will reserve the right to terminate any member if deemed necessary.

Children/Pets: Do not bring children or pet with you to class. If you do not have a babysitter or pet sitter, you will need to cancel your class. Service animals are allowed if paperwork is provided and it is detrimental to your health not to have the service animal with you.

Minors: Minors 16 years of age and above are able to attend class with a parent or guardian. A parent will need to sign a parental consent waiver in order for the minor to attend class.

Lost and Found: We have a lost and found basket in the back of the studio. We place any items we find in there. After 90 days any unclaimed items will be donated.

Refer A Friend: Refer a friend to us! If they sign up for a monthly membership, we will place a $15 credit onto your account to be used toward merchandise.

We honor those who serve us: A 15% discount will be applied to recurring memberships for active First Responders (police, fire, EMT) and all military (active and veteran).