Our Client Testimonies

  • 10 out 10 recommend joining FreedomCore! First, let me start by saying, Jess brings so much more to the table than a fitness studio. She has built community, earned the respect of her clients and associates, delivers endless results, and continues to mix it up in class. You never have to worry about being bored! Since joining FreedomCore Pilates, not only have I experienced improved posture and flexibility, but I have discovered and defined muscles I didn’t know I had! Whether you prefer Classical or Contemporary Pilates, Jess and Kevin have you covered. Sign up for a class, and you may start to see why we all keep coming back!

    Kelly K

  • I firmly believe FreedomCore Pilates is the most professionally run Pilates studio anywhere in Arizona. The Pilates workouts are exceptionally well designed to provide a great, great workout. Jess and Kevin are superb trainers who help me get the most out of every workout. No matter what shape you are in or your age, you can do Pilates and change your life for good. As the saying goes, a body in motion stays in motion!

    Jerry L

  • How do you express the significance of something that has impacted not only your physical strength, flexibility, balance and whole body health but also your mental health and well-being? I don't know that there are enough words. FreedomCore Pilates and the instructors are exceptional at creating and executing classes that meet you where you are, but then challenge and encourage you to become stronger every single day. Even my doctor recently commented on my excellent bone health and asked what I was doing! Pilates, especially at this studio, is the answer! This is a community that connects and lifts each other up. A place that strengthens and heals your whole self. It is my absolute favorite place to be and the only way to start my day!

    Jennifer G

  • When FreedomCore opened a friend of mine said let's join. I come from the cycling world and didn't think Pilates would be a workout, boy was I wrong. I can't say how much I LOVE Pilates. Just for 3.... Let's do circles... I love the diversification, the levels within levels that can and will challenge you mind and body. My massage therapist said, what are you doing your body has never felt so balanced and relaxed. I don't know about relaxed because everything that day probably was sore. Looking for more, look no further than Pilates.

    Cathy U

  • I've tried many forms of exercise and training in the past, and after a couple years hiatus from anything consistent, I kept stalling my return to health and fitness. I moved to the Prescott Valley area about a year ago, and was in search for something full body strengthening, toning, and muscle building that I could ease into and have the opportunity to progress at my own pace. I found FreedomCore and being brand new to Pilates I had no idea it would not only meet these expectations, but exceed them. This is by far one of my favorite forms of full body fitness. FreedomCore Pilates... Where have you been all my life?!

    Michelle C

  • I am 68 yrs old. I have been practicing yoga for 18 yrs. I do my yoga 3 days a week. Recently I did a very physical demanding cruise to the Galapagos and realized I needed to step up strength training. I decided to give FreedomCore pilates a try. I absolutely love it. Yes it is a challenge for me but very rewarding. I want to keep my body in the best condition I can as I age, not for looks but for health. I feel really good for taking care of myself. I will continue to do the pilates and yoga as long as I can.

    Kay C

  • There are so many wonderful things to say about FreedomCore Pilates it's going to be hard to put everything into a few words. This team is more like family to each client than just instructors, they keep you engaged and encouraged while you're working out so you don't even know the time has passed and you've been working out real hard. My Fellow students have become friends, since I started at FreedomCore for over a year now and hate it when I have to miss a class. The best part of FreedomCore are the results! My stamina has increased tremendously, I have visible muscle changes, waistline is smaller...but the best part is "the underarm dingle dangle" is MUCH smaller and firmer! Thank you Jess, Kevin and everyone at FreedomCore Pilates!

    Jean L

If you have a testimony you would like shared on our website please email studio@freedomcorepilates.com